Jethro Heiko's blog

Escaping Pandora's Inbox with LeanMail

Do you check email in the middle of another task? When you're bored or stressed out? Right before bed, or first thing in the morning? When you're waiting for a meeting to start, or for the light to turn green? We did. And last fall, we decided we'd had enough. We developed LeanMail to break our email addiction, and we're sharing this 25-minute webinar so that other people can join us in redefining our relationship with our inboxes. Read more...

What we are reading: Community by Peter Block


Why you should read it? Peter Blocks' Community: The Structure of Belonging provides very specific examples and steps to take in how to form meaningful relationships and resilient communities.

Turning Quantification Into Habit

On August 5th of last year I got on a scale and didn’t like the number that I saw. With two young kids, a stressful project just ending and lots of travel over the past year, I just wasn’t feeling great. I didn’t feel good about what I was eating or how little I was exercising. I didn’t feel strong. Staring at the number on the scale I also realized I was afraid.

Playing with Toys to Understand Our Work

I admit it: I play with toys at work. Last week, it was Zoobs. I tend to like gear or construction toys like Zoobs as they can be used to think about how things fit together and how they move. Playing with these and other toys helps me get out of the Flatland that dominates my walls, computer and desk. I also find that it helps me tap into analogies and metaphors that can be used to better understand and describe what I am feeling, thinking and doing. Read more…


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